Aoyama & Partners has massive and wide variety of experiences as professionals handling intellectual property rights. Thinking first of protecting interest of clients, our activities expand all over the world. Further, we are striving to contribute to society by providing accumulation of our knowledge thereto.
[ Total Number of Applications (including transferred cases transferred to us) ]
*September 4, 1965 to January 1, 2022
- Applications in Japan -
(Domestic 60%,
Overseas 40%)
(Domestic 97%,
Overseas 3%)
(Domestic 67%,
Overseas 33%)
(Domestic 60%,
Overseas 40%)
- Applications in Others -
* including international applications under PCT
** including international applications under Madrid Protocol
[ Total Number of Countries (including regionals) ]
*September 4, 1965 to January 1, 2022
[ Recent Major Public Activities of Our Patent Attorneys ]
*as of January 1, 2017
- Speaker at seminars/practical training programs held by Japan Patent Attorneys Association or its branches (.... to present)
- Speaker at seminars held by Japan Intellectual Property Association (.... to present)
- Part-time lecturer, Graduate School of Law, Osaka University (2008 to 2017)
- Part-time lecturer, Graduate School of Law and Politics, Osaka University (2009 to present)
- Part-time lecturer, Graduate School of Intellectual Property, Osaka Institute of Technology (2007 to present)
- Part-time lecturer, Tottori University (2008 to present)
- Speaker at seminars held by Kyoto Comparative Law Center commissioned by Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) (1989 to 2019)
- Aoyama & Partners is responsible for the information and update of Japan Chapter of "Manual for the Handling of Applications for Patents, Designs and Trademarks throughout the World", also known as "Brown Book", Ed. Arnold & Siedsma, Kluwer Law International. (.... to present)